



First and foremost: we never charge your Credit Card or Paypal account automatically. All payments to Bandwagonhost are user-initiated, without exception.

Unless you cancel the renewal, our system will automatically send a new invoice approximately 6-7 days before the renewal date. Then you will have 12 days to pay the invoice with any available payment method.

If Renewal is set to ON, it means that you will receive an invoice for the next period 6-7 days before renewal date (and at this point you can decide whether or not you want to continue service and pay the invoice).

If Renewal is set to OFF, it means that your VPS will be terminated (cancelled) automatically on renewal date and no invoices will be sent out.

If you have previously cancelled the renewal and would like us to reactivate it for you please create a ticket. Note that if there is fewer than 8 days left before renewal date, we will not be able to reactivate service

We are unable to offer renewals ahead of time. If you plan to leave for a long period of time and would like services to be renewed without having to make manual payments, you can create an "Add funds" invoice. This will allow you to add funds to account and the funds will be used automatically to pay any future invoices. Please note that we are unable to offer refunds on such transactions. If you'd like to add funds to your account please click here.




第三、如果我们取消续费提醒(OFF),那到期的时候 也不会提醒我们更不会出账单让我们续费。

第四、如果我们当初取消账单提醒,但是我们在到期前8天,如果希望 还要续费,我们可以提交工单联系BILLING部门,然后给予重新开账单我们续费。

第五、如果我们担心是不是会忘记续费,我们也可以 充值到账户中,这样可以自动扣款。


未经允许不得转载:搬瓦工VPS_美国VPS » 解读搬瓦工VPS主机续费和激活/解除续费账单问题

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